Looking for digital hearing aids ? Here are some features to consider when choosing…
Though ototoxic medications are necessary to treat severe infections, they can affect …
The ability to hear is often taken for granted, but it is one of the most powerful sen…
Hold up a minute! Before you jump head first into the swimming pool with your goggle a…
The DIY approach to health screening continues to expand, including within its ambit h…
Because reverse-slope hearing loss is uncommon, there is very little public awareness …
Do you ever have the sensation that you have pressure in your ear? It might be minor, …
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 5% of the world's pop…
Acoustic neuroma is a benign, slow-growing tumour that develops on the vestibular nerv…
According to an expert of hearing aids in Kolkata , muffled hearing can make you hea…
What exactly are balance tests? Balance tests are a kind of tests used to detect bal…
Did you know hearing aids can work with your smartphone? In today’s digital era, the…
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