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What To Do If You Are Not Satisfied With Your Hearing Aid Fitting

Hearing loss can be life-changing, no matter when it occurs in your life. Not only is it difficult to accept the fact that you have hearing impairment, but it is also challenging to meet the treatment process that follows the diagnosis, says an expert of a
hearing aid clinic in Kolkata.

Many people who have recently had their hearing aids fitted express dissatisfaction with their choice. If you are dissatisfied with your hearing aid fitting, here are some tips to help you.

1. Consult with your audiologist

The selection and fitting of hearing aids is never a dictatorial process. In fact, it is a two-way conversation in which you tell your audiologist about your expectations, preferences and lifestyle needs and your professional will make recommendations based on them. 

However, keep in mind that your audiologist is also influenced by the results of your hearing tests. This means that the programming and settings are constrained by the severity of your hearing loss. While a caring audiologist will do their best to accommodate all of your needs and preferences, the decision must be made based on the recommended medical guidelines for your specific hearing loss needs, says the expert of hearing aids in Kolkata.

2. Give it some time

Hearing aids, like any other treatment, require some time to produce the best results. Most of the time, people are uneasy with their new hearing aids because their brain has "forgotten" how to organize and process an overwhelming amount of auditory input. They begin to notice sounds such as the rustling of their clothes and their breathing rhythm. If this is the case for you, you must allow your brain to "re-learn" which sounds to ignore and which to process.

3. It will not be the same as before

People with newly fitted hearing aids frequently complain that everything is too loud, that things sound mechanical, or that their own voice sounds funny. While hearing aids can help people hear in different listening environments, they do not "restore" hearing, so it will never be the same as it was before they had hearing loss, says the expert of digital hearing aids in Kolkata.

4. Schedule regular follow-ups

The most effective way to adjust to your new hearing aids is to schedule regular follow-up appointments with your audiologist to fine-tune the sounds you're hearing, adjust the fit in your ear and discuss the most difficult situations for you. Sign up for any new hearing aid wearer orientation classes and try to wear your hearing aids all day to re-program your brain faster, says the expert of a hearing aid clinic in Kolkata.

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